1.22.2003 Habbo now has a zero tolerance policy on foul language. That means if you use fu.ck to evade the filter, you are banned. If you say goddamnit, you are banned. Maybe Habbo isn't fond of freedom of speech but I sure as hell am. I am disgusted by you hobbas that just rolled over and took it in the ass on this new policy. Don't you fuckers fight anymore? Yes, I understand that it's a kids site, but kids don't pay the bills.RedVelvet - 9:17 PM ![]() 11.23.2002 Sod's site and forums are back! Click here!RedVelvet - 3:17 AM ![]() 11.21.2002 Ask a Bobba is back in full effect, and is now located here. Anyone else with an AAB page is a stealing skank.RedVelvet - 2:30 AM ![]() 11.14.2002 Beta sucks. Make sure you do your part and tell the people at habbo you hate it and want things back the way they were!RedVelvet - 8:25 AM ![]() 10.30.2002 Habbo has cut the US off again. Credit cards are down and have been for weeks. There's no US credit line, there never will be. Anyone wanna be my credit pimp? I can't seem to find DjSwift. Ah, the old days.. when life was simple and easy and so were the women.RedVelvet - 3:51 PM ![]() 10.22.2002 For the latest on the pudding_theif issue, go here.RedVelvet - 5:15 AM ![]() 10.14.2002 There is a party for kal on Saturday. Send DeadVelvet a message if you feel you should have the password to farewell, kal.RedVelvet - 4:30 PM ![]() Wow, people seem to be flooding back to my site lately and sending in lots of support emails. I appreciate it and all, but I won't give any information on habbo to anyone other than a reporter, as stated in a previous post. I'm always amused by those of you who claim to be reporters and say things like "so wud habbo do 2 u??????///"RedVelvet - 2:20 PM ![]() 7.8.2003 Speaking of The Sims, I've run into a few habbos there. I was wondering why people started saying "furni" and mafias began to spring up. You kids need to fucking die.RedVelvet - 9:58 PM ![]() 2.22.2003 The Sims Online owns habbo, by the way.RedVelvet - 7:26 AM ![]() 1.22.2003 Habbo now has a zero tolerance policy on foul language. That means if you use fu.ck to evade the filter, you are banned. If you say goddamnit, you are banned. Maybe Habbo isn't fond of freedom of speech but I sure as hell am. I am disgusted by you hobbas that just rolled over and took it in the ass on this new policy. Don't you fuckers fight anymore? Yes, I understand that it's a kids site, but kids don't pay the bills.RedVelvet - 9:17 PM ![]() 11.23.2002 Sod's site and forums are back! Click here!RedVelvet - 3:17 AM ![]() 11.21.2002 Ask a Bobba is back in full effect, and is now located here. Anyone else with an AAB page is a stealing skank.RedVelvet - 2:30 AM ![]() 11.14.2002 Beta sucks. Make sure you do your part and tell the people at habbo you hate it and want things back the way they were!RedVelvet - 8:25 AM ![]() 10.30.2002 Habbo has cut the US off again. Credit cards are down and have been for weeks. There's no US credit line, there never will be. Anyone wanna be my credit pimp? I can't seem to find DjSwift. Ah, the old days.. when life was simple and easy and so were the women.RedVelvet - 3:51 PM ![]() 10.22.2002 For the latest on the pudding_theif issue, go here.RedVelvet - 5:15 AM ![]() 10.14.2002 There is a party for kal on Saturday. Send DeadVelvet a message if you feel you should have the password to farewell, kal.RedVelvet - 4:30 PM ![]() 9.11.2002 NOTE: DeadVelvet was never banned. It was some kind of fluke. That's a load off my mind, now I can still host kal's going away party. :DRedVelvet - 6:22 AM ![]() 8.12.2002 This site is gone as of Friday. I am tired of having all my ideas stolen. I am tired of working hard on my graphics to find them on some fucking mafia site. I'm tired of all the morons who mail me asking for cheats/creds/furni. I'm tired of stupid fucking British slang.RedVelvet - 9:40 AM ![]() 7.30.2002 I used to be the only one with burgundy hair. The first time habbo "fixed" the gender bug, I couldn't get it anymore. I got a new trademark, the boy hair. Now thanks to the new gender fix, I can't get that either. The rumor mill claims that they're gonna let us crossdress again. *shrug* I'm still waiting for the bobba filter to ease up in private rooms and ESPECIALLY on console. Jesus, what a bunch of shit that is. Yeah yeah, the site is directed at teens, but how many teens go bad from hearing the word "fuck"? I used to believe I was from the most conservative PC country in the world, but I think I was wrong.RedVelvet - 2:53 AM ![]() 7.24.2002 I don't have anything really profound to say this week..RedVelvet - 5:10 PM ![]() 7.13.2002 Gather 'round and have a seat, kids. It's story time. Want to hear the story about how I humiliated SW_Outlaw and fucked his whole world up? Alright, I can tell that one.RedVelvet - 3:20 AM ![]() |